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Michael J. Seiler
J.E. Zollinger Professor of Real Estate & Finance
William & Mary
Dr. Michael J. Seiler is the J. Edward Zollinger Professor of Real Estate & Finance at the College of William & Mary. He has been a Visiting Scholar at Harvard University, University of Cambridge, London School of Economics, and a Visiting Professor at Johns Hopkins University and the Australian National University.
A former hedge fund Chief Economist, Dr. Seiler is an internationally recognized behavioral real estate researcher whose studies have been cited in the Wall Street Journal, NY Times, LA Times, and Washington Post. He has published over 185 research studies, has written several books, and serves as the co-editor of the Journal of Real Estate Research. Michael received the James A. Graaskamp Award which recognizes extraordinary iconoclastic thought/action throughout a person’s career in the development of a multi-disciplinary philosophy of real estate in the areas of behavioral real estate and decision-making, as well as the Richard Ratcliff Award which recognizes a scholar who has created a significant single innovative research contribution that extends the real estate discipline, introduces a new paradigm, and pushes the envelope of real estate knowledge.
Past President of the American Real Estate Society, Dr. Seiler is currently the #1 ranked real estate researcher, and actively serves as an expert witness and consults in the areas of behavioral and experimental real estate and finance. Michael also is the co-creator of the National Association of Industrial and Office Property (NAIOP) Quarterly Forecast.