Headshot of Peter Joseph

About Peter

Peter Joseph is a highly experienced Sales Executive leveraging over 20 years of extensive sales experience, management experience, and a proven track record of successfully spearheading the execution of organizational visions through innovative and solutions-focused business strategies. Growth-focused and productive leader armed with expertise in overseeing operations that improve an organization’s performance, efficiency, and profitability through business development and account management leadership. Equipped with seasoned experience in strategic sales and marketing, business development and analytics.

Peter Joseph

Peter Joseph recently came to campus for Presenting with Confidence. We caught up with him a week later and asked him about his experience in the program.

What is Your Background, and Why Did You Decide to Take This Program?

I have worked in sales and sales leadership my entire career and have to speak in front of people all the time, whether internally or externally, so communication is an integral part of my job. I am committed to continually honing my craft, and have worked with professional communications coaches with a focus on public speaking. In evaluating this program, the objectives of the program were clear, and it aligned with what I have been looking for, so I decided to sign up.

Carmine Gallo is fond of saying that “You cannot over-invest in communication skills”. How was this program for a person in technology sales that is so reliant on communication?

When you are in technology sales leadership, whether you are CRO, VP, Director or sales rep, it is so critical that you can persuade people both internally and externally. For me, this program is a total home run for people in my industry. I learned more in two days in this program than I did in months of one-on-one training with a professional communications coach.

What Was the Experience of Learning from Carmine Gallo Like?

Carmine has a very special gift of teaching what people think are hard concepts that sometimes take months to learn and is able to distill them into something that can be learned in two days. This made the program suitable both for people with sales experience and people new to public speaking.

When I’ve been at some of my past technology companies, when we do sales enablement training, teaching “one to many” is very difficult due to the learning range within the audience, which varies substantially. I was blown away that he can teach “one to many” and be so effective.