Imagining Post-Pandemic Library Space

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Librarians and library planners have been inundated with webinars and other data streams on “How to tune your library for re‐opening in a pandemic.” In this workshop, we look farther into the future. The discussion will focus on getting past the problem‐solving around operating during a pandemic to where libraries will want to be in 2025 and beyond. We will include a short introductory piece about recently learned “best practices (and mistakes to avoid) when re‐opening,” but the emphasis will be on physical facility design responses to contemporary and emerging parameters and aspirations.

The format will include a brainstorming exercise and/or design problem for participants, as well as panel discussions.


Headshot of Jeffrey M. Hoover

Jeffrey Hoover

Principal, Tappé Architects

David Leonard

President, Boston Public Library

Rivkah Sass

Library Director/CEO, Sacramento Public Library

Sarah Meilleur

Director of Service Delivery, Calgary Public library

Imagining Post-Pandemic Library Space