Reimagining Retail: Seizing Opportunities on Main Street and in Ecommerce
Seizing Opportunities on Main Street and in Ecommerce
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At no time in history has retailing or, more precisely, the act of acquiring goods, services and experiences—been in more transformative times. For centuries, the retail experience has evolved to meet the needs of the public. And, from the time of the ancient marketplaces to the emergence of Medieval market towns, to High Streets, to Main Streets, shopping malls and modern-day mixed-use complexes all such commerce was the province of an analog world. In recent years this paradigm, grounded in a reality of touch, smell, temperature, varying light and perspective shared with others in a similar quest has been literally undermined, if not in some quarters attacked and replaced by new electronic realities.But what will retail shopping look like in the post-Pandemic era? Now in its 28th year, this course illustrates the best practices for retail centers responding to the emerging Post-COVID era and changing lifestyles.
Probably the most entertaining and instructive program I have experienced at Harvard [GSD] Executive Education.
Past Participant
Fantastic presentation–with organized and timely information. Bob [Gibbs] is an incredible lecturer.”
Past Participant

Terry Shook, FAIA
Principal, Shook Kelley, Inc.

Bob Gibbs
President, Gibbs Planning Group, Inc.
Lori Bongiorno
Managing Principal, Director, Mixed-Use Studio
Cindy Ciura
Principal, CC Consulting
Kevin Kelley
Founding Partner & Principal, Shook Kelley Inc.
Eric Larson
CEO, Downtown Detroit Partnership
Yaromir Steiner
CEO, Steiner & Associates
Terry [Shook] is a great presenter with an amazing command of the perspectives and psychological factors that drive retail decisions.
Past Participant
Past offering
Reimagining Retail: Seizing Opportunities on Main Street and in Ecommerce
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