Meet our instructors
Jeff Adler
Vice President, Matrix Yardi Systems, Inc.
Frank Apeseche
Lecturer in Urban Planning and Design, Lecturer in Real Estate, Harvard University Graduate School of Design
Ernie Beck
Associate Principal, NV5 Engineering & Technology
Daniel Bergstresser
Associate Professor of Finance, Brandeis University
Joseph Bocchiaro
Principal Consultant, NV5 Engineering and Technology
Toby Bozzuto
President & Chief Executive Officer, The Bozzuto Group
Jose Castillo
Principal, arquitectura911sc
Rob Ciampitti Jr.
Partner/Co-Founder, Liberty Law
Joyce Coffee
President, Climate Resilience Consulting
David J. Collis
Adjunct Professor, Harvard Business School
Donald E. Conover
Founder, Conover & Associates, LLC
Diane E. Davis
Charles Dyer Norton Professor of Regional Planning and Urbanism, Harvard University Graduate School of Design; Chair of the Department of Urban Planning and Design, Harvard University Graduate School of Design
Chris Dempsey
Founding Partner, Speck Dempsey
Beck Eckenrode
Co-founder and Board Chair, AUROS Group
Chiara Farronato
Assistant Professor of Business Administration, Harvard Business School
Luigi Ferrara
Dean of the Centre for Arts, Design & Information Technology, George Brown College
Tom Feusse
Board Chairman, Wallick Communities
Carmine Gallo
Author and President, Gallo Communications Group
Vanessa Gallo
Executive Communication Coach, Gallo Communications Group
Jose Luis Garcia del Castillo Lopez
Lecturer in Architectural Technology
Douglas Gensler
Director, North River Company
Andreas Georgoulias
Director, Environmental Financial Consulting Group, LLC.
Nori Gerardo Lietz
Senior Lecturer of Business Administration, Harvard Business School; Founder, Areté Capital
Robert J. Gibbs, AICP, ASLA
President, Gibbs Planning Group, Inc.
Gordon Gill
Founding Partner at Adrian Smith + Gordon Gill Architecture
Edward Glaeser
Fred and Eleanor Glimp Professor of Economics and the Chairman of the Department of Economics, Harvard University
Christopher M. Gordon
President, Wynn Development
Shane M. Greenstein
Martin Marshall Professor of Business Administration, Harvard Business School
Mathis Grimstad
CEO & Owner, Stor-Oslo Eiendom
Andrei Hagiu
Associate Professor of Information Systems, Boston University Questrom School of Business
Roger Hallowell
Adjunct Professor, HEC Paris
Jason Hellendrung
Vice President and Director of Planning, Tetra Tech
Brie Hensold
Principal and Co-Founder, Agency Landscape + Planning
Jeffrey M. Hoover, AIA
Principal, Tappé Associates
Eric Höweler
Director of the Master of Architecture I Program, Professor of Architecture, Harvard University Graduate School of Design
Stephen Hutto
Founder and Managing Director, 40|M
Tobias Just
Professor of Real Estate, University of Regensburg
Jerold Kayden
Frank Backus Williams Professor of Urban Planning and Design, Harvard University Graduate School of Design
William Kerr
D’Arbeloff Professor of Business Administration, Harvard Business School
Michael Kraljevic
Chair, Ontario Land Tribunal
Fernando Levy Hara
Principal and Co-founder, Unico Developers
Michael Levy
CEO, Crow Holdings
Matthias Luecker
Chairman & CEO, FREO Group
John D. Macomber
Senior Lecturer of Business Administration, Harvard Business School
Brad Mahoney
Director of Sustainable Development, MP Boston
Ali Malkawi
Professor of Architectural Technology, Harvard University Graduate School of Design; Founding Director, Harvard Center for Green Buildings and Cities
John Mandyck
CEO, Urban Green Council
Edward Marchant
Lecturer in Urban Planning and Design, Harvard University Graduate School of Design; Adjunct Lecturer in Public Policy, Harvard Kennedy School
Anthony Mason
President, AMA Project Management Inc.
Anthony Mayo
Thomas S. Murphy Senior Lecturer of Business Administration and C. Roland Christensen Distinguished Management Educator, Harvard Business School
Rahul Mehrotra
Chair of the Department of Urban Planning and Design, Director of the Master of Architecture in Urban Design Degree Program and Co-Director of the Master of Landscape Architecture in Urban Design Degree Program | John T. Dunlop Professor in Housing and Urbanization, Harvard Graduate School of Design
John H. Miller
Founding Director, White Walls
Joel Mills
CEO, Offshore Simulator Centre and Augment City
Julia Monk
Hospitality Thought Leader l Architect l Interior Designer
Glenn R. Mueller
Professor, University of Denver, Franklin L. Burns School of Real Estate and Construction Management
Wynne Mun
Chief Investment Officer, Metropolitan Properties of America, Inc.
Daniel G. Nocera
Patterson Rockwood Professor of Energy, Harvard University
Sarosh Olpadwala
Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development in the District of Columbia
Henk W. J. Ovink
Senior Fellow, World Resources Institute
Richard Peiser
Michael D. Spear Professor of Real Estate Development, Harvard University Graduate School of Design
George Proakis, AICP
City Manager, Watertown, Massachusetts
Kash Rangan
Malcolm P. McNair Professor of Marketing, Harvard Business School
Jerome L. Rappaport Jr.
Director, NewBoston
Jacob Reidel
Assistant Professor in Practice of Architecture, Harvard Graduate School of Design
Carl Rodrigues
CEO, Harvard Allston Land Company (HALC)
Holly W. Samuelson
Associate Professor of Architecture, Harvard University Graduate School of Design
Michael J. Seiler
J.E. Zollinger Professor of Real Estate & Finance, William & Mary
Tanvir Shah
Managing Director, The Partnerships
Donald Sheets
Lecturer in Real Estate, Harvard Graduate School of Design
Terry Shook, FAIA
Principal, Shook Kelley, Inc.
Scott Simpson
Senior Principal, Greenway Group
David A. Smith
Founder and CEO, Affordable Housing Institute (AHI)
Jeff Speck, AICP, CNU-A, LEED-AP, Honorary ASLA
Founding Partner, Speck Dempsey
Christopher Stanton
Marvin Bower Associate Professor of Business Administration, Harvard Business School
James H. Stock
Vice Provost for Climate and Sustainability, the Harold Hitchings Burbank Professor of Political Economy, Harvard University
Steve Tatham
Executive Creative Director, Universal Creative
Carly Tortorelli
Sr. Manager IT Real Estate & Facilities at Intuitive
John H. Vogel Jr.
Board Co-Chair, Evernorth
Carole Voulgaris
Associate Professor of Urban Planning, Harvard Graduate School of Design
Bing Wang
Associate Professor in Practice of Real Estate and the Built Environment, Harvard Graduate School of Design
Dan Watch
Principal, Science and Technology, Atlanta, Perkins&Will
Mitchell Weiss
Richard L. Menschel Professor of Management Practice, Harvard Business School
Julie Whelan
Global Head of Occupier Thought Leadership, CBRE
Ann Whiteside
Librarian/Assistant Dean for Information Services, Harvard Graduate School of Design
Charles F. Wu
Executive Fellow, Harvard Business School
Dennis Yao
Lawrence E. Fouraker Professor of Business Administration and Chair of the Doctoral Programs, Harvard Business School
Daniel Ziblatt
Eaton Professor of Government, Harvard University