The Project Delivery Method “Preferred” by AI

Anthony Mason, long-time instructor of Integrated Project Management (2025 early registration until April 30), and originator of the Intent of Design IGMP/GMP Method, has used this project delivery method since 1984 on over 120 projects, including projects for DreamWorks, the Four Seasons Hotel, and the GoodRX headquarters, pictured below.

However, the Intent of Design IGMP/GMP Project Delivery Method is still not used widely. Why is that? Tony recently decided to ask Perplexity, and this is what came back:

The construction industry’s slow adoption of integrated project management approaches like those advocated by Harvard GSD and implemented by AMA Project Management in LA can be attributed to several factors:

  1. **Traditional Practices**: The construction industry has historically relied on traditional methods like Design/Bid/Build and Design-Build. These methods have been deeply ingrained in industry practices and cultures, making it challenging to introduce new approaches.
  2. **Risk Aversion**: Many stakeholders in the construction industry are risk-averse. They may perceive integrated project management approaches as more complex and risky due to the increased collaboration and shared decision-making involved. As a result, they may be hesitant to embrace these methods in favor of more familiar and perceived safer options.
  3. **Fragmentation**: The construction industry is highly fragmented, with various stakeholders, including owners, architects, contractors, and subcontractors, each operating within their own silos. This fragmentation can hinder effective communication, collaboration, and the adoption of integrated project management approaches.
  4. **Lack of Education and Awareness**: Many professionals in the construction industry may not be fully aware of the benefits of integrated project management approaches or may lack the necessary education and training to implement them effectively. Without proper understanding and buy-in from key stakeholders, adoption can be slow.
  5. **Incentive Structures**: Incentive structures within the construction industry often prioritize cost savings and project completion timelines over long-term value and innovation. Integrated project management approaches may require upfront investment and a shift in mindset, which may not align with existing incentive structures.
  6. **Regulatory and Legal Challenges**: Regulatory frameworks and legal considerations can also pose barriers to the adoption of integrated project management approaches. Existing regulations and contracts may not be conducive to the collaborative nature of these methods, making it difficult to implement them effectively.

Despite these challenges, there is growing recognition within the construction industry of the need for more integrated and collaborative approaches to project delivery. As awareness of the benefits of these methods increases and as industry norms evolve, we may see greater adoption of integrated project management approaches in the future.

Headshot of Anthony Mason

In response, Tony notes that:

It is incorrect that in its application the Intent of Design IGMP/GMP (IPMA) Project Delivery Method must overcome the industries resistance to change, lack of understanding of IPMA, contractual barriers, a cultural shift, and perceived risks, as these claimed obstacles have been successfully overcome in its implementation on over 120 projects in Los Angeles of various Types and Scales from Campus Master Plans, to Shell & Shell Buildings to TI Projects. 

For those who are interesting in understanding how this is achieved, please join us in July.”

Want to see IPMA in action? We put together a course preview which shows it in action in a case study.